ESP vs Clairvoyance


ESP or extrasensory perception, is now so well known that there are some games marketed for children using the natural gifts of ESP.  ESP was once considered a forbidden subject but now it is very accepted. There are many definitions of ESP, but here is a concrete one:

ESP is the ability gain information without using any of the five traditional senses (taste, touch, sight, smell, and hearing.)

Ancient civilizations in China and Egypt took ESP as a matter of complete truth, relying on it as a way to communicate with each other, the dead and supernatural spirits.  Accounts handed down from this time describe many incidents of ESP.

Currently, some rely on ESP as a means of divining the future and obtaining their fortune.

The real question is, “Is ESP real?”

Paranormal psychology is a field of science that has tested psychic abilities. The results reveal that ESP indeed has roots in reality.  Some people have been able to guess the contents of sealed envelopes and communicate ideas with people long distances away.

Parapsychology a Large Speculative Science

Parapsychology has grown from a largely speculative science, it has grown to be a discipline dedicated to investigating the existence of psychic abilities, astrology, various areas of regression and reincarnation studies. Many reputable universities now offer parapsychology programs.

Other Psychic Gifts

Clairvoyance, telepathy, and precognition are believed to be relevant to ESP. Clairvoyance, or second sight means that one can see events that happen far away without having any previous knowledge of the event. A clairvoyant can tell if something wrong with a close friend or family member.

Telepathy is defined as a mental communication between two or more people. Precognition is also known as fortune telling or foresight. It involves the ability to predict the outcome of future events. Someone with this gift can tell what is going to happen in the far or near future.

Here are some of the most known psychic gifts:

  • Clairaudience
  • Remote Viewing
  • Retrocognition
  • Astral Projection
  • Automatic Writing
  • Divination
  • Dowsing
  • Psychometry

ESP and Psychic Gifts

Everyone has some sort of psychic gift rather it is something that seems small such as intuition to someone that is able to see into the past, present or future. With ESP and other psychic gifts, people are able to communicate and to speak and see into the spiritual world.

What kind of psychic gifts do you have? If you have any questions on what psychic gifts you have or what you can do with your own psychic gift, reach out to a trusted psychic and get all of the answers that you seek.