Loving Your Intuition

Loving Your Intuition

Having intuition is a gift that is given to people and is sometimes a gift that is forgotten. No one has perfect information, but we act, and we try to understand things that are not certain. We move from knowing things to not knowing anything, but we always have intuition to help to guide us even if we do not realize we have this gift.

This is true for most things that we do in life from deciding what we will wear to work and what we will make for lunch to deciding what kind of career we should pursue.

We use our mind to understand things and to analyze things around us and make hard decisions. We use facts and data in most areas of our life and even though we think of this as intelligence, we often forget that it is our intuition.

Keeping us Safe

Our intuition will be there with us to help us to make important decisions that have our best interests at heart. It allows us to understand things and to reason better and can help to keep us safe.

When we collect our facts and data, we look at situations and sometimes we become a victim, or we get a victim mindset. We learn to understand that we have a gift, and we have to learn that the gifting can be risky if we do not use it right or if we refuse to listen.

When we are in a situation that is dangerous for us, our intuition will be a form of intelligence that will keep us safe. It will warn you not to go down a certain street or not to go in the car. Our intuition not only keeps us safe, but it helps us to make other choices as well.


Intuition can help you to make good decisions in your life. Having a gut feeling to make a good choice can happen and it can happen without even thinking about it.

The thing to understand is that intuition does not always give you an instant idea or answer but it can steer you into a different direction so that we make better decisions that will help us in life.


One thing that intuition helps us with is our career choices., When we listen to what our intuition tells us, we can avoid pitfalls that we might end up having. Maybe taking a promotion is not the best choice and your intuition will tell you.

Getting Married

Another great thing about our intuition is that it can help you to know if you are choosing the right life partner. You can trust that things will work out if you believe in your intuition and if you learn to make decisions that come as a gut feeling.


Intuition is a power that is like a superpower that we have. It allows us to confront challenges and to handle situations that are complex.

When we feel that we are not safe somewhere we are, chances are you need to listen because it is your intuition that is talking. Do not try to analyze it, just listen, and try to use your deeper understanding to follow the right answer.

We all need to listen to what our gut is telling us and to be faithful to listen to these things. Some people forget that this is a good gift, and they refuse to use it.


  1. Recognizing intuition as an integral part of intelligence might help people balance logic and instinct better in their decision-making processes.

  2. The article effectively communicates that intuition can be a quiet yet powerful advisor in various aspects of life, from mundane tasks to significant life choices.

  3. The ability of intuition to keep us safe and guide us through complex situations is indeed a valuable point highlighted in the article.

  4. The article brings attention to the significant role intuition plays in our daily lives, often overshadowed by reliance on facts and data.

  5. It’s interesting how intuition is portrayed as an underappreciated form of intelligence that aids in decision-making and personal safety.

  6. I appreciate the emphasis on intuition as a guiding force that can help us in careers and relationships, which are critical aspects of one’s life.

  7. The notion that intuition acts as a ‘superpower’ might be an exaggeration, but it does highlight the innate ability we have to make quick, often correct judgments.

    • While it might be an exaggeration, considering it a ‘superpower’ can motivate people to trust their instincts more.

    • Labeling it as a ‘superpower’ can also mislead people into over-relying on intuition, potentially ignoring crucial data and facts.

  8. It’s crucial not to ignore the role of intuition, but also important to recognize its limitations and not let it overshadow rational analysis.

    • Agreed. A balanced approach that integrates intuition with factual analysis seems to be the most prudent way forward.


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