Are You Clairvoyant? Find Out!

Are You Clairvoyant?

People are always guessing what the future holds, but some people are able to predict things better than others. Predicting the future is an exciting psychic gift, but it isn’t the only one. Everyone has a psychic gift, but not everyone uses it. Some of the most well-known psychic gifts are the clair gifts, one of them being clairvoyance.

Clairvoyance is the gift of clear seeing. It is when someone is able to know things that are going on around them or things that will happen in the future without any knowledge being given to them. They pick this information up from the divine, and it is considered a supernatural gift.

When someone is clairvoyant, they are often told, “There’s no way you could have known that.” This is something that happens like someone can pull the thought out of space and make it right.

What is Clairvoyance?

Clairvoyance is one of the Clair gifts, and it is translated as clear seeing. This psychic gift allows people to use information from the universe to know things that often haven’t manifested yet.

A clairvoyant is able to use intuition, dreams, symbols, and visions, among other things, to know things. They are able to see inside themselves and beyond the physical world.

A clairvoyant person often manifests things that they don’t always recognize. Other people think that clairvoyance is just a dream or wishful thinking, but this shouldn’t be confused with that. Clairvoyant people can use their intuition to manifest things from the right side of their brain, which includes using their imagination.

Signs of Being Clairvoyant

You might not know immediately that you are clairvoyant, and you might not get a big giant sign. It might initially come to you as a dream or a small vision. Sometimes it is very subtle. Some people don’t always even know that they have this gift right away. Here are some signs that you might be clairvoyant:

  • Flashes of Light or Color

One sign that you could get is flashes of color or light. This could even be a dot of color that makes you question yourself. Flashes of light might be spirits, and it could be part of your spiritual team that is there to visit you. Here are some things you might see:

    • Orbs.
    • Floating colors.
    • Shadows.
    • Glitter or flashing lights.
    • Movement out of the corner of your eye.

This might scare you at first, but don’t be afraid. Know that your guides are there to help you and love you.

  • Daydreaming

Daydreaming is one of the big signs of clairvoyance. A person who lives more in daydreams than in the real world is probably showing signs of being clairvoyant. They are able to visualize what is going to happen, and it comes naturally to them.

  • Vivid Dreams

Vivid dreams are a big sign of being clairvoyant. You might have dreams that are so detailed that you are sure that you’re there. Clairvoyants are normally very visual and have an active mind even when sleeping.

  • Connection with Beautiful Things

Clairvoyants are often drawn to art and other beautiful things. They love visual things such as sculptures, paintings, photography, and more. If you are attracted to beautiful things, then you might be clairvoyant.

  • Movement in the Corner of Your Eyes

Have you seen something moving in the corner of your eye? If you see this and nothing is there, chances are it is an elemental body, or it might be a spirit. This can scare you, but you don’t have to be scared; it is part of your gift.

  • Seeing Auras

Clairvoyants are often able to see auras. They pick up the energies of spirits and people around them. If you aren’t sure what you see, look at aura readings online. You can practice looking at your own aura by standing in front of a white background and letting your eyes go out of focus. You will see the outline of colors around you, which is your aura.

  • You Can Fit Things Together

Clairvoyants are often able to connect the dots. They seem to understand how things work and why people do the things that they do.

  • Making Good Plans

Are you able to make good plans and design things in your mind? Clairvoyant people are able to use their senses to help them envision things and make plans that actually work.

  • Good Directions

Clairvoyants have a good sense of direction, and they can find places without even using a GPS. They can visualize the place they are going and easily find it.

  • Dealing with a Clairvoyant

Clairvoyants are people who can use their senses to see beyond what other people can see. You can learn to deal with this kind of person, and you can be this person without worry or shame.

How to Deal with Your Gifts

If you are clairvoyant, here is how you can deal with having these gifts!

  • Don’t doubt yourself. Trust yourself and do what your signs and symbols tell you. Focus on yourself and the world around you.
  • Open up your third eye chakra. This is one way that you can open and develop all of your psychic gifts.
  • Use your abilities without being ashamed. Close your eyes and visualize things around you, such as clouds, flowers, bees, and others. Sense them and embrace them. Imagine orbs floating around you and you talking to your spiritual guides. Practice this often.
  • Meditate as often as you can. It can help you embrace your gift and calm your mind. Do this for at least five minutes each day.

Memory Game

You can play some games to strengthen your abilities, and one is a memory game. Have someone put 8 items on a table and allow yourself about 15 seconds to look at the items. Have them remove the items and write down as many things as you can remember.

Flashcard Game

Get a deck of preschool-shaped flashcards and find a quiet place. Close your eyes and ask your spirit guides to connect with you. Ask them to help you to develop your psychic gifts.

Ensure you activate your third eye chakra, which is found in the middle of your forehead. Ask your guides to draw a gold infinity sign in your mind, and as your third eye opens, feel it tingling and warm.

Put a card with the shape side on the table and ask your guides to tell you what the card says. Trust that you know, and then write it down on a piece of paper. Notice how your information comes to you so that you can figure out which Clair gift is the strongest for you.

If you heard the color and shape, you might be clairaudient. If you saw it, then you might be clairvoyant. You might even have felt an emotion, meaning you might be clairsentient. After you have done a few cards and written down the answers, flip the cards over and see how you did.

Final Thoughts

Everyone has a psychic gift; you can develop and strengthen your gifts with practice. Practice as often as possible and dedicate yourself to improving your abilities. You will see that you can increase your gifts as long as you work hard and practice with your whole heart.


  1. I appreciate the comprehensive list of signs of clairvoyance. More research could be conducted to understand these phenomena better.

  2. The connection between vivid dreams and clairvoyance is particularly compelling. Dreams can often feel very real and meaningful.

    • I agree. Dreams are a complex and often mysterious part of human experience. Linking them to clairvoyance is an interesting take.

  3. While the concept of clairvoyance can be intriguing, it’s important to approach it with a critical mind and seek empirical evidence.

  4. This article provides an interesting perspective on clairvoyance and its various signs. It’s well-detailed and informative.

  5. The advice on how to deal with clairvoyant gifts seems practical and grounding. Meditation and self-trust are good strategies for self-discovery.

    • Yes, those techniques can be beneficial even outside of developing psychic gifts. They promote mental well-being and clarity.

  6. The idea of picking up information from the universe through clairvoyance is quite profound. It aligns with some philosophical thoughts on consciousness.

  7. The signs of being clairvoyant listed here are fascinating. It’s an intriguing read even for those who are skeptical.

  8. I always wondered about clairvoyance and psychic gifts. This article sheds some light on the subject with clear explanations.


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