Significance of ESP to Clairvoyance


ESP or extrasensory perception are now so famous that you can also find these kind of games as games for kids. On the contrary, they were once considered taboo or even somewhat dark. The beginning and science of extrasensory perception has been concealed.

So, let’s reveal and explain more on what ESP is. It is the gift or ability to get information by means of the five senses such as taste, sight, touch, smell, and hearing. As well as the other senses that are known to science such as balance and proprioception.

What are different types of ESP and its several explanations?

It is important to get into all the different ideas and challenges first associated with ESP before trying to enter the deeper meaning of it. The concept of ESP started way back before popular culture turned it into a cultural phenomenon of sorts.

In fact, during the past cultures like ancient China and Egypt, people were simply expected to communicate mentally with others as they could even talk to dead gods and other supernatural spirits. Plenty of accounts from both ancient and recent days have described as incidents of extrasensory perception despite of speculations and pure superstition. ESP has even been used as divination such as on giving psychic advice.

Does ESP Exist?

So, the question is: Does ESP exist? Is it possible for people to have ESP? Several experiments have been run by many paranormal scientists to test the veracity of alleged psychic abilities. Those experiments have come out shocking and amazing results as it seems that ESP may be more likely to have than anyone previously thought.

In fact, there were paranormal studies stating that alleged psychics seem able to predict the contents of sealed envelopes and accurately draw images similar to those of people drawing the same image from a remote area.

It was believed that parapsychology has grown both in the venerability and believer population. It is actually a discipline seeking to investigate the existence, causes and conditions of psychic abilities such as astrology, regression and reincarnation memories, retro-cognitions, and the likes. In fact, several universities around the world now offer parapsychology programs.

Most commonly reported extrasensory happenings such as clairvoyance, telepathy and precognition were believed to be relevant to ESP. Clairvoyance are often called as a second sight or a sixth sense. In this happening, the person can see events that happen in a certain location other than his/her present one without having any previous knowledge of the event. A person with clairvoyance abilities can sense if there is something wrong with a family member or a friend and she/he can find if any of these people are in trouble.  Clairvoyant individuals may also know if their house is being robbed while they are away.

Other Psychic Giftings

There are many other psychic giftings that people have. Telepathy, for one is defined as a mental communication between two or more people. Lastly, precognition is known as fortune telling or foresight. It is the ability to predict future events. It is the practice than by psychic on line giving free psychic readings online.