Are You Claircognizant?

Are You Claircognizant?

People have five basic senses: sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch. But whether we’re aware of it or not, we also have other senses to supplement the basic ones. These are known as the “clairs”—clairvoyance, or clear vision; clairaudience, or clear hearing; clairsentience, or clear feeling, and claircognizance, or clear knowing. These four senses are metaphysical senses. They don’t require neurological pathways as our five basic senses do.

What Is Clear Knowing?

Claircognizance is the metaphysical sense that gives one the ability to know things without an understanding of how you know them. This knowledge can surface as thoughts or as messages from your intuition, but most commonly, it’s something that you just know. Can you recall a time when you knew something to absolutely be a fact, but you couldn’t specify exactly how you came to know it? That’s claircognizance.

Claircognizance is a skill of the mind. All of the metaphysical skills are capable of producing similar results, but the processes differ. Clairsentience is truly a “gut feeling.”

Signs You’re Claircognizant

Everybody has claircognizant abilities to some degree. Signs or evidence aren’t required to prove this. But you may have some of the following traits if you rely on claircognizance:

  • You’re highly intelligent.
  • You have an insatiable curiosity, and you deeply desire to grasp complex concepts and issues.
  • You think analytically.
  • Knowledge and ideas clearly pop into your awareness, often while you’re thinking about unrelated subjects.
  • You enjoy solving problems.
  • You enjoy working out logistics.
  • You love to read.
  • People often ask you for advice and your opinions.
  • You’re an accurate judge of character.
  • You consistently make good decisions.
  • You grasp the “big picture” and form clear overviews through your attention to fine details
  • You like technology and may be employed in the tech sector.
  • You often know what people will to say before they say it.
  • You’re good at “pre-quoting” lines from TV shows and movies, almost like you read the script before your viewing.
  • You have a reliable sense of direction and rarely get lost in unfamiliar places.
  • Your memory is excellent.

How Claircognizance Manifests

Claircognizance manifests different ways in different people. Here are some of the more common ways:

  • You experience sudden thought, idea, recognition of facts, or flashes of insight.
  • Answers to questions you posed hours or days earlier frequently seem to just pop into your mind.
  • Persistent, nagging thoughts often occur to you.
  • You intuitively solve difficult problems.
  • You think laterally.
  • You often know beyond a doubt how a future event will unfold.
  • You feel guided to locate misplaced items.
  • You receive clear messages for others and for yourself through your connection to the psychic realm.

My Story

I question and explore everything, but especially relationships, tarot cards, and the psychic realm. I appreciate that while tarot cards are quite simple, they possess multiple nuances of meaning. I enjoy how they interact and tell stories.

I wholeheartedly believe that I learned to read and use tarot cards the same way I learn any other complex system: I depend on my claircognizant skills to deliver the required information. It never feels “psychic.” I don’t hear voices or feel like disembodied entities are communicating information to me. It feels intuitive.

The messages from the cards come into my mind either as situations or memories from my own experiences, or as flashes of instant knowledge. Even if my thoughts seem unrelated to the reading, I feel compelled to verbalize what’s come into my mind. Those memory-joggers and flashes have been spot-on every single time.

Developing Claircognizance Skills

An engaged, active brain is crucial to developing claircognizance. Practicing mental skills such as playing arithmetic and word games is helpful. Guessing games are helpful, too. Besides being aware and alert, it’s important to allow your mind you’re your thinking process to relax. Meditation is doubtlessly the best and most effective way to do that.

Automatic Writing

Another way to connect with your claircognizance is to engage in automatic writing. Automatic writing is best done with paper and a pen or pencil. To begin, sit quietly and relax. Write “I expect a message” over and over again until new thoughts occur to you. Write down the new thoughts, letting your hand move on its own.

Don’t worry if automatic writing doesn’t work for you the first time. It may take several sessions before you can enter the consciousness zone that encourages automatic writing to occur.

Don’t Ignore Your Gifts

It’s important to heed your new thoughts when you have them. Don’t disregard them, or your gifts will diminish. Like many other abilities, you need to use your claircognizance or you’re risking losing it. Keeping a journal will help you recognize and track messages, repetitions, and patterns.

It would be great to hear about your experiences with claircognizance. Feel free to share about them below in the comments section!