Welcome To Clairvoyance Readings

If you’re anything like me, sorting through all the different clairvoyant reading options online can be overwhelming. How can you know who is legitimate and what is a scam?

More importantly, I have found that I need to search more about the variety of different psychic experiences that are available, rather than lumping them all into one category. For instance, clairvoyant readings and psychic readings are different. Clairvoyants are individuals who can see intuitive information visually; some psychics are also clairvoyant, while others receive their information in other ways.

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What is a Clairvoyant?

Clairvoyance is also known as the second sight, or the sixth sense. A true clairvoyant can receive information visually that clarifies the past, present, or future. Some people are more in tune with this sense than others, although it is a natural sense we all have.

Intuition is a very important part of clairvoyance. We all have some sort of intuition that guides us, whether we acknowledge it or not. Clairvoyance itself means clear seeing, but other people are able to hear clearly (clairaudience), feel clearly (clairsentience), or know clearly (claircognizance). All these abilities can contribute to a genuine clairvoyance reading.

In my experience, clairvoyants are able to see images or symbols to create their interpretation of a reading. Rather than visualize specific scenarios, like they do in the movies, clairvoyants obtain information and infer data based on what they see in their mind. Instead of seeing a moving image of someone walking down an aisle, a wedding could be represented by a ring, the color white, or another image that gives the impression of a wedding to the clairvoyant. However, some clairvoyants are able to have visions that closely resemble what we imagine when we think of a clairvoyant.

Clairvoyants use what is called the third eye, which is related to the pineal gland and the psychic chakra, located between the eyebrows. This chakra is known as the mind’s eye, because it allows you to peer into the subconscious thoughts and feelings of yourself or another person. Anyone can open up their third eye; this process involves meditation, introspection, and will increase intuition when used regularly.

Do clairvoyants really have a third eye?

Not really. At times clairvoyants will have a view that is like they are watching a movie inside their mind. Sometimes, they can see an image in their mind’s eye.

In addition, it’s very important to know that what they are seeing are not always literal – oftentimes they are symbolic.

Let me give you an example:

Let’s say someone asks me for a reading – let me call her Mandy. She is currently planning to get married next month.

I probably will not “see” Mandy walking down the aisle. What I may see is an image of white flowers, a wedding ring, a church, or some other thing that symbolizes wedding to me.

Other clairvoyants may see something else, something that symbolizes wedding to them. Some may actually foresee Mandy walking down the aisle.

What is the third eye?

The Third Eye is directly related to the 6th chakra — the psychic chakra, located on the middle of the forehead above the brows. It is closely associated with the “pineal” gland. The pineal gland is dormant in most people, as is the true Third Eye.

It’s called the “Mind’s Eye” because you are seeing these visions in your mind.

Can I open my third eye?

Yes, you can! All you need is to have an easy meditation to start off, you don’t need to be a professional psychic. Opening your third eye is the best way to increase your intuition.

What’s it like to have a vision?

Honestly speaking, it sometimes doesn’t feel real. There wasn’t any feeling other than a sudden “knowing” something just came out of nowhere really.

Some people may just see a still image while others tell that it like watching moving pictures in their minds eye – like watching your own personal tv! In my case, I can see things in both ways depending on what type of reading I’m conducting or what I’m doing.

Sometimes I see pictures in motion, which is a lot of fun. Other times, I may just see images which are literal or symbolic.

Do third eye visions foresee the future?

Not at all times. Oftentimes, especially during readings, psychics will get pictures of events in the present time, something that is happening right now. They may also see things from the past that are affecting the present.

Going back to seeing the future, the third eye can sometimes foresee it. One woman I know reported getting a psychic flash moment before a minor auto accident. Luckily, everyone was okay.

Is the Third Eye the same as what I see in the movies?

Have you ever watched a movie where a psychic:

  • is seeing intense images of a future event?
  • locates a missing person by following a vision?

I’ve watched these stories too, and I always think, “I wish it were that easy!

Unfortunately, it’s not that as easy as you can imagine. In fictional images, you will always see things as crystal clear. But always remember, that in real life, there can be a lot of symbolism, and it is much more subtle.

So there you go! You have the answers now on what is a clairvoyant and next time they’ll ask you, you’ll be able to confirdently answer all of their questions!

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