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Read our articles from authentic clairvoyants and clairvoyant psychics. Get free access to top secret knowledge and information.

Using the Wheel of the Year for Yourself

People often hear that they need to take care of themselves more and sometimes...

Get Rid of Your Stress and Have Energy

We all have stress, and most people don’t even know how they made it...

Finding Solace in Psychics, Even for an Unbeliever

There is nothing more convincing than personal accounts of why some big decision was...

The Energy of an Empath

The word energy is not a bad word at all, and it is used...

Knowing Psychic Signs around You

Some people only look at the idea of divination and psychic gifts in a...

What Psychic Ability Do You Have?

People don’t often realize that they have psychic giftings. They have intuition but they...

Using the Crystal Ball to Ask Questions

Being a crystal ball reader means that there will be many questions that people...

Difference Between a Full Moon and New Moon

When you look at astrology, the moon is considered one of the most important...

What it Means to be a Lightworker

Most lightworkers have had to deal with their shadow side and they know this...

Soul Moon Phases and Your Soul Changes

The moon is one of the most important celestial bodies. It can help you...

Taking Care of Your Life as a Virgo

When it is Virgo season you will find that you can get a boost...